When and where was Sidney Sheldon born?
What are the bibliographic details for the page 'Sidney Sheldon'?
Who is Sidney Sheldon?
What was Sidney Sheldon's birth name?
What is Sidney Sheldon's occupation?
What is Sidney Sheldon's writing career like?
What was Sidney Sheldon's profession before becoming a novelist?
What was Sidney Sheldon's early life like?
Where can I find archived information about Sidney Sheldon?
What is the official website of Sidney Sheldon?
Did Sidney Sheldon write a sequel to The Other Side of Midnight?
Why did Sidney Sheldon use pseudonyms in his writing?
What kind of work did Sidney Sheldon do before becoming a writer?
Which novel of Sidney Sheldon reached number one on The New York Times Best Seller list?
Who is Sidney Sheldon and what is his connection to the film No Questions Asked?