Where was the first production of Shreddies in Canada?
Who holds the Shreddies brand in Canada?
When did production of Shreddies begin in Canada?
When was production of Shreddies in Canada started?
Who holds the Shreddies brand in the United Kingdom and Ireland?
When was the Shreddies factory opened in the United Kingdom?
Who briefly owned the Shreddies factory in the United Kingdom in 1988?
Who holds the Shreddies brand?
What are the official websites for Shreddies in Canada and the UK?
What was the claim made in Shreddies' advertising in 2007?
When did Nestlé's site at Staverton start making Shreddies?
What was the purpose of the promotion launched by Shreddies in 2010?
What was the packaging change made to Shreddies from 2007 to 2011?
What did the Snackmasters programme in 2019 feature regarding Shreddies?
What was the slogan used in the new advertising campaign of Shreddies in 2021?