Where was Seve Ballesteros from?
What is Seve Ballesteros' full name?
What are some official websites related to Seve Ballesteros?
Who is Severiano Ballesteros?
When did Seve Ballesteros pass away?
How did Seve Ballesteros die?
What awards did Seve Ballesteros receive?
What medical condition did Severiano Ballesteros have?
Who was the first recipient of The Seve Ballesteros Award?
What is the purpose of the Seve Ballesteros Foundation?
Who was Severiano Ballesteros married to?
How many children did Severiano Ballesteros have?
What major championships did Seve Ballesteros win?
What type of putters did Severiano Ballesteros use throughout his career?
When did Severiano Ballesteros retire from golf?