What is SET FOR SET's expertise in the fitness industry?
What is the goal of SET FOR SET as a health and fitness educational resource?
What is the mission of SET FOR SET?
What is SET FOR SET's goal?
What is the commitment of SET FOR SET in helping find the ideal leg press machine?
How does SET FOR SET provide information?
What is the SET FOR SET Kettlebell Training System?
Who are the members of the SET FOR SET team?
What is SET FOR SET's role in helping customers find the right products?
What is the recommended number of sets for each exercise?
What is the reach of SET FOR SET?
Is the content on setforset.com intended for the treatment, diagnosis, and/or prevention of health issues or ailments?
What is the recommended goal for beginners in terms of sets for each muscle group per week?
What is the recommended number of sets for each exercise in strength training?
How many sets are recommended for each exercise?