What is Sergio Agüero's full name?
Which clubs has Sergio Agüero played for?
Who is Sergio Agüero often compared to?
What position does Sergio Agüero play?
What is Sergio Agüero's position in Atlético Madrid?
Has Sergio Agüero played for the Argentina national team?
Who did Sergio Agüero sign for in 2011?
What records does Sergio Agüero hold in the Premier League?
Which team did Sergio Agüero play for before joining Manchester City?
Who did Sergio Agüero make his debut against in the first division?
When did Sergio Agüero make his senior debut for Argentina?
What were Sergio Agüero's contributions in Argentina's group stage matches?
Has Sergio Agüero played in the UEFA Champions League?
Who did Sergio Agüero replace as the starting striker for Atlético Madrid?
What is Sergio Agüero's official website?