When was Sbarro ranked 15th in foreign sales among U.S.-based quick-serve and fast-casual companies?
What type of cuisine does Sbarro specialize in?
How many stores does Sbarro currently have?
How many Sbarro stores are there currently?
Where was the first Sbarro restaurant opened?
Where is Sbarro headquartered?
How many Sbarro locations were there in the US in 2016?
What is the current number of Sbarro stores in the Philippines?
When was Sbarro established?
Which two restaurants filed bankruptcy along with Sbarro?
Who was announced as the next CEO of Sbarro in March 2013?
Who acquired Sbarro in early 2007?
When did Sbarro open their fast-casual concept called Cucinova?
What is Sbarro's new logo design?
When did Sbarro announce a franchise agreement with Upper Crust Foods Pvt. Ltd.?