How does Savencia Fromage & Dairy Tournez improve the nutritional quality of their products?
What are the cheese brands offered by Corman S.A. in Belgium?
What is the percentage increase in net sales?
What is the average EcoVadis score of the Group's main suppliers?
What is the Group Culture?
What is St Môret's annual 'market tour'?
What is the nutritional optimization plan for St Môret?
What is the purpose of the charter for Health and Safety at Work?
What is the goal of the Too Good To Go's Best-By Dates pact?
What is Savencia's involvement with Food Banks?
What were the factors that contributed to the change in net sales for Groupe Savencia Fromage & Dairy in 2016?
What are the 4 major progress focuses of Savencia's approach to Corporate Social Responsibility?
How is cream manufactured?
What are the advantages of cheese in the new food landscape?
What is the concept of clean label?