Welche Unterstützung bietet Save the Children in Litauen?
What kind of assistance has Save the Children provided in Lebanon?
What is the purpose of Save the Children Deutschland e.V.?
Wie lautet das Spendenkonto von Save the Children?
What are the principles of humanitarian aid that Save the Children follows?
Wie viele Menschen wurden bisher in Rumänien mit Hilfe von Save the Children erreicht?
Wie können Kondolenzspenden an Save the Children Deutschland gesendet werden?
How does Save the Children support families affected by the climate crisis?
What is the goal of Save the Children Deutschland in terms of justice?
Does Save the Children have any projects in Israel?
How long has Save the Children been working in the Palestinian territories?
What is the title of the report about the experiences and wellbeing of children fleeing Ukraine?
How does the organization help children in need?
How many children are estimated to be affected by natural disasters in the next ten years?
What is the title of the report about the impact of 10 years of conflict on Syria's displaced children?