What is Sanjiv Shah & Associates?
Who is the founder of Sanjiv Shah & Associates?
Where are the offices of Sanjiv Shah & Associates located?
What is the vision of Sanjiv Shah & Associates?
What services does Sanjiv Shah & Associates provide?
What is Tax Deducted at Source (TDS) under GST?
What is the concept of interest under GST?
What are the different business verticals that the supplier can opt for separate registrations?
What sectors does the clientele of Sanjiv Shah and Associates belong to?
What are the sectors under which services to valued customers can be grouped?
What are the sectors covered by Sanjiv Shah and Associates?
When did Sanjiv Shah and Associates start its professional journey?
What services does Sanjiv Shah and Associates offer?
Where are the branch offices of Sanjiv Shah and Associates located?
How has Sanjiv Shah and Associates contributed to the profession of chartered accountancy?