How many Rock Bottom Restaurant Breweries are there?
What brands are owned by CraftWorks Restaurants and Breweries, Inc.?
How many restaurants does CraftWorks own?
How many restaurants did CraftWorks own and operate as of November 2019?
How many Old Chicago restaurants are operated by CraftWorks Restaurants & Breweries?
When was CraftWorks Restaurants and Breweries, Inc. formed?
What is the concept of Gordon Biersch Brewery Restaurants?
What brands does CraftWorks own?
Why was the store renamed Rock Bottom?
What are some of the casual dining restaurant chain brands owned by SPB Hospitality?
Where was the first Gordon Biersch restaurant opened?
What is the menu of Logan's Roadhouse?
Where is SPB Hospitality headquartered?
When was the first Old Chicago taphouse opened?