When was the first mentioning of the city by the name Riyadh?
What is the ranking of Riyadh among the most visited cities in the world?
What is the ranking of Riyadh among the most visited cities in the Middle East?
What is the rank of Riyadh among the most visited cities in the Middle East?
What is the name of the key business hub in Riyadh?
What are some landmarks in Riyadh?
What are some of the main districts of Riyadh?
Where is Riyadh located?
What is the economic significance of Riyadh?
What is the area of the old town of Riyadh within the city walls?
Which cities are connected to Riyadh by the Saudi Railways Organization?
What is the historical significance of Riyadh?
Which traditional villages and towns are encompassed by the urban sprawl of Riyadh?
What is the commercial heart of Riyadh?
Who has partnered with the Ministry of Investment and the Royal Commission for Riyadh City to open an international school in Riyadh?