What is Rajesh Khanna's nationality?
What is Rajesh Khanna known as in Bollywood?
When was Rajesh Khanna born?
When and where was Rajesh Khanna born?
Who were some of the actors who frequently worked with Rajesh Khanna?
Where was Rajesh Khanna born?
What organizations was Rajesh Khanna a life member of?
Who were Rajesh Khanna's close friends?
Who were Rajesh Khanna's idols and inspirations?
Which celebrities from the post-2000 era admired Rajesh Khanna?
Who was Rajesh Khanna's first love interest?
Who were some of Rajesh Khanna's closest friends from the industry?
Which school did Rajesh Khanna attend?
What awards did Rajesh Khanna receive?
Who referred to Rajesh Khanna as the first superstar of India?