How long has R. Rajan Associates been in operation?
What services does R. Rajan Associates provide?
Which locations does R. Rajan Associates cater to?
What is the vision of R. Rajan Associates?
What is the mission of R. Rajan Associates?
What services does R Rajan Associates provide?
What are the different types of audits and assurance services offered?
What other services are provided by R Rajan Associates?
What is Ajaykrishnan C's professional experience?
What are the areas of expertise of the firm?
What is Ajaykrishnan C's role in the firm?
Has Ajaykrishnan C handled Share Valuation assignments?
Has Ajaykrishnan C been involved in funding rounds of Start-ups?
What is V Ramanujam's professional experience?
What is S.A. Sankaranayanan's expertise?