What is the role of Ajen Prasad in the company?
When did Ajen Prasad join Prasad & Company LLP?
What forms does Prasad & Company LLP assist with for US citizens residing in Canada?
What is Jaskirat Singh's role at Prasad & Company LLP?
What services does Prasad & Company LLP provide for companies?
How did Prasad & Company LLP help in selling the business?
How can Prasad & Company LLP assist with estate tax planning?
What are some of the services provided by Prasad & Company LLP's staff members?
How does Prasad & Company LLP assist businesses with financial projections?
Who does Prasad & Company LLP represent during tax audits?
How does Prasad & Company LLP assist clients with investment decision-making?
What types of clients does Prasad & Company LLP work with?
Does Prasad & Company LLP offer tax planning services?
Who should I hire for specific tax advice?
What is George Chaya's role at Prasad & Company LLP?