What is the ranking of Philip Morris International in the Fortune 500 list?
What is the best selling product of Philip Morris International?
What is the ranking of Philip Morris International in the 2021 Fortune 500 list?
Who are the main institutional investors of Philip Morris International?
Where are the headquarters of Philip Morris International located?
What criticism has Philip Morris International faced regarding its information website on tobacco health issues?
Where are Philip Morris International's operational headquarters located?
What are the six multibillion US$ brands of Philip Morris International?
How many employees did Philip Morris International have in 2008?
Where is Philip Morris International's product research and development program located?
What is Philip Morris International's sales exposure to Russia?
Where was the first affiliate of Philip Morris & Co., Ltd, Inc. established?
What company did Philip Morris International agree to buy for £1 billion?
What is the legal seat of Philip Morris International?
Which Formula One team is sponsored by Philip Morris?