Are special medical needs considered for admission?
Who receives the adoption subsidy if it is currently paid for this youth?
What services are provided by Clinical Associates?
Who needs to sign the authorization?
What is the phone number for the Conable House program?
When may health information be released to coroners or medical examiners?
What are some suggested methods for disposing medication at home?
How can individuals obtain a copy of the current notice?
What are the acceptable methods of providing individual notice?
Who can I contact to file a complaint with the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services or the Office for Civil Rights?
Who receives the child support payment if it is received for the youth?
What happens if a youth has an IQ below 70?
Who is the authorization provided to?
Under what circumstances can my request for an amendment be denied?
How can I initiate the Medicaid application process for a youth without Medicaid?