What is the purpose of the Paolo from Tokyo and Discord community?
What time does Reiji Miyajima arrive at the office?
What does the speaker mention about living in Tokyo?
What is the occupation of Reiji Miyajima?
What does Reiji Miyajima use as a reference for female characters?
How does Reiji Miyajima's apartment office differ from his home studio?
How can I connect with people who love Japan?
Which major cities does the Tokaido Shinkansen take you to?
How many assistants does Reiji Miyajima usually have?
What can you do at the Tokyo Metropolitan Building?
Where can I connect with other people who love Japan or have questions?
Which gyoza is the speaker's favorite?
Where can I find the speaker's Tokyo shirt?
What is the manga called that Reiji Miyajima creates?
Where does Reiji Miyajima prefer to meet with the publisher for the weekly meeting?