What is the process for telephone and data cabling installation?
What is considered a material component of the Client License Agreement and Terms of Use?
What is the Operator's liability for any error with regard to the admission to or exclusion from the premises or building?
What can the common areas be used for?
What is the notice period for requiring the client to relocate?
What remedies can the operator choose upon the client's default?
What materials are not allowed to be used or kept in the Premises?
Where may the videos and photos be posted?
Can the Client bore or cut for wires and cables without consent?
What are the circumstances that can excuse the performance of Operator's obligations or services?
What is the purpose of the Service Deposits?
What are the access hours to the building and Premises on weekends, legal holidays, and other days?
Can the Operator exclude or expel any person from the premises and building?
Is the Operator responsible for any violation or non-performance of the House Rules by other Clients?
What does the indemnification of liability include?