What is the collaboration between Orascom Construction and Eagle Hills Properties?
When was Orascom Onsi Sawiris & Co. founded?
What subsidiaries does Orascom Construction PLC have?
What is the revenue of Orascom Construction in 9M 2023?
When was Orascom Construction Limited demerged from OCI N.V.?
What are the focus markets of Orascom Construction PLC?
Under what concession model will the project be developed?
What is the total contract value for the project?
What is the length of the water transmission pipeline?
What investment and financing track-record does Orascom Construction capitalize on?
Who has Orascom Construction partnered with on past projects?
What is the backlog and revenue of Orascom Construction in 9M 2023?
Where does Orascom Construction primarily focus its projects?
What is Orascom Construction's commitment to safety and the environment?
What are the social and economic contributions of Orascom Construction?