What type of company is NRG Energy?
How many energy companies has NRG Energy acquired?
What companies has NRG Energy acquired?
Where is NRG Energy headquartered?
What companies did NRG Energy acquire in 2012 and 2013?
What types of power plants does NRG Energy own?
Where does NRG Energy provide retail electricity services?
What retail electricity services does NRG Energy operate?
Who is the current President and CEO of NRG Energy?
Who did NRG Energy partner with to offer backup generators?
When did NRG Energy acquire Texas Genco?
Who did NRG Energy sell its stake in NRG Yield to?
What green energy initiatives has NRG Energy undertaken?
Which company is in a multi-year corporate sponsorship agreement with NRG Energy to help regulate their energy costs?
What did NRG Energy sell in 2018?