What is the Wii U?
What games are compatible with the Wii U?
What are some popular games for the Wii U?
What is the best-selling game for the Wii U?
What technology did Nintendo experiment with for the Wii U?
What is the fastest selling Wii U game?
What controllers are compatible with the Wii U?
What is Wii Street U?
Which companies have provided third-party support for the Wii U?
What is the best Mario game on the Wii U?
What games were available on the Virtual Console for the Wii U?
When did Nintendo announce the Wii U?
What features did the tablet-like device for the Wii U have?
What was the code name for the Wii U during its development?
What were the two bundles in which the Wii U was originally released?