Are there any limitations on the number of users in Nibo Gestão Financeira?
Can I use the NIBO platform for purposes other than its intended use?
Quem é responsável pelos dados dos clientes contadores?
What are the conditions for using the NIBO platform?
Quem pode inserir documentos financeiros, contábeis e de recursos humanos nos módulos ofertados pelo Nibo?
Quais são as fontes dos dados pessoais?
Are there any minimum requirements for using the platform?
Quando foi a última atualização da Política de Privacidade do Nibo?
Can Nibo access and act on documents containing data of children and adolescents?
Does Nibo Gestão Financeira have a feature for managing invoices?
What does it mean if NIBO does not exercise its rights or prerogatives?
How does Nibo help with financial management?
What can the user do with the data that NIBO treats about them?
What is protected by the legislation of Intellectual Property?
What are the different sites of Nibo?