What is the exchange rate for US Dollar to Nepalese Rupee?
Where can I find the branch locator for Nepal SBI Bank Ltd?
Why should I choose NSBL Visa Debit Card?
What types of cards does Nepal SBI Bank issue?
How can I avail NSBL Debit Card?
How long is the card valid for usage?
Where can the cards be used?
What is the cost of the normal card and how long is it valid for?
What should I do if my card gets lost or stolen?
Is there any charge for a lost card?
Can I get a new PIN immediately if I forget my current PIN?
Is there any charge for generating a new PIN?
How can I retrieve my card if it gets trapped in an ATM?
What is the withdrawal limit for the ATM card?
Can a joint account holder get NSBL Visa Card?