What was Molly Ringwald's breakout role?
What is Molly Ringwald's breakout role?
What are some of Molly Ringwald's notable filmography?
What role did Molly Ringwald play in Sixteen Candles?
What was Molly Ringwald's final teen movie?
What TV miniseries did Molly Ringwald star in?
Has Molly Ringwald appeared in any TV shows?
What was the scrapped film that Molly Ringwald was set to star in?
What other John Hughes film did Molly Ringwald turn down a role in?
What roles did Molly Ringwald reportedly turn down in the early 1990s?
What film did Molly Ringwald star in with Andrew McCarthy?
Why was Molly Ringwald reluctant to be in Pretty in Pink?
What French movies did Molly Ringwald star in?
Who were Molly Ringwald's past romantic partners?
What is the title of Molly Ringwald's book?