Who is Mitsuru Adachi?
When was Mitsuru Adachi born?
What is Mitsuru Adachi's nationality?
What are the bibliographic details for the page 'Mitsuru Adachi'?
What is Mitsuru Adachi well known for?
Which manga series made Mitsuru Adachi a household name?
What works has Mitsuru Adachi created?
Which series made Mitsuru Adachi a household name?
What are the citation styles for the page 'Mitsuru Adachi'?
When and where was Tsutomu Adachi born?
Who was Mitsuru Adachi's older brother?
What are the ingredients that make Mitsuru Adachi's series a success?
What were the main features of Mitsuru Adachi's manga series Touch?
Which manga magazine did Mitsuru Adachi's manga debut in?
Who is Kaoru Adachi?