Does Medmarc provide professional advice on this site?
What expertise do Medmarc underwriters have?
Who teaches the training courses provided by Medmarc?
What is Medmarc known for?
What is Marc Amis' role at Medmarc?
What is the role of competent life sciences counsel in electronic discovery?
Why are experts important in products liability cases?
Who created Medmarc?
What is the role of Karen Murphy in ProAssurance?
Do you have a documented training plan for employees, contractors, distributors, and/or end users of your products?
Who may oversee defense counsel and defense strategy in products liability litigation?
How does Medmarc assist companies with risk management?
What is the role of a product safety team in crisis management?
What is Marc Amis' role as the National Referral Underwriter?
What services does Medmarc provide?