What did Ron and Cora Regier set up with the help of a planned giving advisor?
Who can provide assistance with setting up a trust and estate planning?
How can I learn more about the will planning services?
Who is Frank Wichert and what is he pursuing?
Who does MB Foundation partner with to provide a program for Mennonite Brethren churches and pastors?
What organizations has Mr. Schneider been involved with?
What is the purpose of MB Foundation?
Who is MB Foundation partnering with for this program?
What is a church's ministry platform and why is it important?
What services does MB Foundation provide?
What is a Donor Advised Fund with MB Foundation?
What services does MB Foundation provide to help with will planning?
What is Rod Hamm's role at MB Foundation?
Who does everything ultimately belong to?
Why did the Steinert family choose to place their foundation under MB Foundation's management?