What is Luis Fonsi's real name?
What is Luis Fonsi's biggest success?
When was Luis Fonsi born?
What other lists can Luis Fonsi be found on?
Which TV shows has Luis Fonsi appeared on?
What philanthropic work has Luis Fonsi been involved in?
Who did Luis Fonsi marry in 2014?
How many records has Luis Fonsi sold?
Who did Luis Fonsi marry in 2006?
What is the name of Luis Fonsi's current tour in 2022?
Which album did Luis Fonsi release in 2019?
Who did Luis Fonsi collaborate with for the song 'Calypso'?
What was the name of Luis Fonsi's album released in 2011?
In which telenovela did Luis Fonsi make his second acting appearance in 2004?
How many Guinness World Records has Luis Fonsi broken?