What is the most recent list of publicly traded companies by market capitalization?
Which companies have had a market capitalization in excess of $1 trillion?
Which company had the highest market capitalization in 2010?
What is the market capitalization of the top companies in 2006?
What is the primary industry of the company ranked first in 1998?
What is the primary industry of the company ranked fourth in 1996?
What is the primary industry of the company ranked third in 1997?
What were the top companies in terms of market value in 2004?
What were the top companies in terms of market value in 2002?
What is the market capitalization of Microsoft?
Which companies are described as the world's most valuable?
What is market capitalization?
Which company had the highest market value in 2001?
What is the market value of the company ranked second in 1997?
What is the market capitalization of Apple?