Who is the chief competitor of Lidl?
What is Lidl?
What is Lidl's business model?
What other services has Lidl launched?
When did Lidl open its first store in Norway?
When was the first Lidl discount store opened?
What approach does Lidl have towards staffing?
Why did Lidl close its stores in Norway?
Which countries is the 'Lidl Plus' app available in?
Where is Lidl planning to open 50 more stores by the end of 2021?
When is Lidl planning to open stores in Bosnia and Herzegovina?
What is the revenue trend for Lidl from 2017 to 2022?
What benefits does the 'Lidl Plus' app offer?
What is the purpose of the 'Lidl Plus' loyalty card?
When does Lidl plan to phase out the selling of cigarettes in all its Dutch stores?