Who was one of the first users of computer-generated lettering?
Why do some comics artists and inkers prefer to have the lettering directly on their pages?
How did computer lettering files start to be used in combination with digital art files?
When did computer lettering start to have an impact on comics lettering?
What is a Leroy lettering set?
Who is a notable letterer who uses a Wacom tablet for electronic hand-lettering?
What was the process of lettering a comic page from the 1930s to the 1990s?
How did an accomplished letterer adapt their style to the art of a particular book?
What graphics programs are commonly used for lettering in Marvel and DC books?
Who are some notable letterers and artist-letterers?
Which comics companies moved almost exclusively to in-house computer lettering in the early 21st Century?
How was the lettering in EC Comics different from other publishers?
Who designed the fonts for Marvel's in-house lettering unit?
What tools does a traditional comic book letterer need?
Who were some famous letterers in the 1950s and 1960s?