Do you offer an online course for audit basics?
What type of courses do you offer online?
What services do you offer?
What are the factors causing auditors to doubt their ability to provide the necessary level of service?
What is your standard of quality?
How can I contact you for more information?
Where can I find the amendments to the JSE Listings Requirements?
Where can I find the amendments to the JSE Debt Listings Requirements?
Where can I find the SAICA Training Regulations 2024?
Where can I find the Exposure Draft: Proposed Guide for Registered Auditors (Revised), Joint Audit Engagements?
Where can I find the new standard for audits of Less Complex Entities (LCEs) issued by IAASB?
What topics are covered in the IRBA Rules arising from the ISQM?
What is the process of completing an audit?
What is the purpose of the AUP report?
Where can the AUP report be found?