What was Layne Staley known for?
What was Layne Staley's birth name?
Who did Layne Staley harmonize with?
What are some of the categories that Layne Staley is associated with?
Who was the last person to see Layne Staley alive?
What was the most recent photo of Layne Staley?
When did Layne Staley make his final public appearance?
When was Layne Staley's last interview?
When was Layne Staley born?
When did Layne Staley die?
What was Layne Staley rumored to do during the period from 1999 to 2002?
What was Layne Staley's religious background?
When and where was Layne Staley born?
Which musician released an album dedicated to Layne Staley in 2011?
What instrument did Layne Staley initially play?