What is the film La Dolce Vita about?
Who directed the film La Dolce Vita?
Who are the main actors in La Dolce Vita?
Who directed La Dolce Vita?
Who is the main actor in La Dolce Vita?
Who was the lead actor considered for the role in La Dolce Vita?
What is the opening scene of La Dolce Vita?
How was La Dolce Vita received by critics and audiences?
When was La Dolce Vita released in Italy?
What did Roger Ebert consider La Dolce Vita as?
What did Roger Ebert think about La Dolce Vita?
What is the box office earnings of La Dolce Vita in the United States and Canada?
In which year was La Dolce Vita released?
What is the meaning of La Dolce Vita in English?
What film parodies Fellini's La Dolce Vita and was shot on the same sets?