How hot does it get in Kuwait City during summer?
What is the climate like in Kuwait City?
Where is Kuwait City located?
What is the capital of Kuwait?
What is the average number of sunshine hours in Kuwait City?
What sports team is based in Kuwait City?
What is Kuwait known for in terms of theatre?
What were some notable achievements of Kuwait in the 1960s and 1970s?
What is the main export product of Kuwait?
What were some of the terror attacks that occurred in Kuwait in the 1980s?
When did Kuwait establish its first constitution and parliament?
What were the economic conditions in Kuwait in the early 1930s?
Why did the Kuwaiti government strongly advocate Islamism in the 1980s?
Which Kuwaiti soap operas are popular in the Arab world?
How did the scientific research sector in Kuwait suffer in the 1980s?