What award did Knoll Packaging win in 2009?
What are the Action Platforms that Knoll has participated in?
When was the US Patent for KnollLuxe Premium Board Platform design published?
What types of packaging solutions does Knoll Packaging provide?
What kind of packaging does Knoll provide?
What certification did Knoll Packaging receive in 2021?
What are the properties of Knoll Ecoform®?
What was the Dollhouse rewarded for in 2011?
What is the Limited Edition of the Year according to the UK Packaging Awards 2021?
What awards did Knoll Packaging win in 2010?
What is the specialization of APG Balkan's headquarters in Serbia?
Who leads the development of Knoll's corporate sustainability strategy?
What are the Mac round boxes printed with?
What is the Best CSR Initiative according to the UK Packaging Awards 2023?
What is the size of the factory in the Philippines?