What is the contradiction between the verses?
What can intention nullify?
What are the three ways a woman can be acquired by a man?
How should one divide their years according to R. Joshua b. Hanania?
What happens if a man says to a woman, 'Be betrothed to me with this silver denar,' and it is found to be of silver?
Is it a general principle that the offspring follows the status of the male in all cases of kiddushin and no transgression?
What is necessary for a girl who reaches majority age and is an aylonit?
Is there a dispute regarding the second intercourse?
What is the ruling if a person vows until Pesah?
What happens if he says 'The one of you who is eligible for intercourse, let her be betrothed to me'?
What did R. Shimon son of Rabbi complain to his father about?
Can a man designate his female slave to his minor son if the son is an adult?
What must the father teach his son?
How do we know that others are not commanded to redeem a woman?
What can one who sells an ancestral field not do immediately?