What are some awkward situations that the JPA iTraveler application can help avoid?
What does JPA International guarantee regarding their audit clients?
Who owns the distinctive symbols, logos, and trademarks appearing on the website?
Who did the JPA delegates meet with at the Colón Free Zone?
What rights can a user exercise regarding their personal data?
Who is the publisher of the website http://www.jpainternational.com?
Who is responsible for the work undertaken and advice given when a member firm undertakes an assignment for a client of another member firm?
What is the role of JPA International in contractual accounting and consulting assignments?
Where did the JPA delegates visit to learn about the Special Economic Zone of Panama Pacific?
What contact information can I find for the office?
Who is responsible for the processing of personal data?
Who prepared the high-level meetings for JPA colleagues?
What information does the app provide?
What values does JPA International uphold?
How long will personal data be stored?