Does obtaining advice or information from the firm or the website create any warranty?
What are the expertise areas of JMR & Associates LLP?
What are the office addresses of JMR & Associates LLP Chartered Accountants?
What is the deadline for filing the CSR-2 Annual Report on Corporate Social Responsibility?
What is the phone number of JMR & Associates LLP?
When should the TDS Certificate for tax deducted u/s 194S on Virtual Digital Assets in January be issued?
What is the deadline for uploading the Statement of foreign income offered to tax and tax deducted or paid on such income?
What are the working hours of JMR & Associates LLP Chartered Accountants?
What is the purpose of Challan No.280 in Income Tax?
What is the address of the head office of JMR & Associates LLP?
What is the due date for filing Income Tax ITR-1 to 7 for AY 2022-23?
How can I add a single event to Google Calendar manually?
Does the website provide links to external resources?
What is the contact number for JMR & Associates LLP Chartered Accountants?
What are the chapters covered in the West Bengal Value Added Tax Act, 2003?