How many spectators did jai-alai games draw in the mid-to-late 20th century?
What is the speed of the ball in jai alai?
What is the ball used in jai alai made of?
Who holds the world record for ball speed in jai alai?
Where was jai alai played in the Philippines?
Which courts contributed to the golden age of amateur jai-alai in the United States?
Where is jai alai popular?
Why do all jai alai players play right-handed?
Did jai alai have a popular stint in Las Vegas?
Where was jai alai popular in the United States?
Has jai alai led to injuries and fatalities?
What was jai alai used for in Florida and Connecticut?
Where was the first public amateur jai alai facility located?
What happened to the jai alai arena in Tianjin's former Italian Concession?
Where and when will the next session of jai alai at The Casino @ Dania Beach begin?