What is Istishari known for?
Where is Istishari Hospital located?
Does Istishari provide treatment and surgical intervention for children with physical disabilities?
How many clinics does Istishari currently offer specialized services at?
What specialties does Istishari provide?
What services does the Pediatric Center at Istishari provide?
What are the Centers of Excellence at Istishari Hospital?
What approach does Istishari Hospital take towards patient care?
Why is Jordan considered the best place for medical care?
Where are the clinics located?
What types of cases are referred to the Gastroenterology Center at Istishari?
What are the clinical services offered by Istishari Hospital?
What is the purpose of the regular nursery and Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at Istishari?
What kind of procedures can be performed at Istishari?
What services does Istishari Hospital offer for fetal and maternal care?