What is the main story in Into the Woods?
Who wrote the book for Into the Woods?
Where did the tour of Into the Woods take place?
Who wrote the music and lyrics for Into the Woods?
Who directed the original West End production of Into the Woods?
When was the Disney film adaptation of Into the Woods released?
Who directed the London revival production of 'Into the Woods'?
What song was added to the original West End production of Into the Woods?
Who directed the 2002 Broadway revival of Into the Woods?
What did the reviewer from The Washington Post say about the score of Into the Woods?
What did the reviewer from The Washington Post say about the cast members of Into the Woods?
What fairy tales are intertwined in Into the Woods?
When did Into the Woods premiere on Broadway?
When did the second Broadway revival of Into the Woods begin?
Who were the cast members in the original Broadway production of Into the Woods?