Who was Ambrose Burnside and what roles did he have in his lifetime?
What personal style did Ambrose Burnside popularize?
What was the original name of Ambrose Burnside's personal style?
Was Ambrose Burnside the first person to sport his signature style?
What influenced the popularity of Ambrose Burnside's sideburns?
Who was Amelia Bloomer and what influence did she have on fashion?
What was the Seneca Falls Convention and what impact did it have on women's rights?
What did Amelia Bloomer advocate for in terms of clothing conventions?
What was the significance of William Dorsey Swann's drag ball in Washington, D.C.?
How did Amelia Bloomer's advocacy for pantaloons lead to the term 'bloomers'?
What happened when the police arrived at William Dorsey Swann's drag ball?
Who was the first person to refer to himself as a drag queen?
What influence did Swann have on drag and queer culture?
Who were later activists influenced by Swann's resistance to queer oppression?
What did Queen Elizabeth I use makeup for?