How long does the Lebaran holiday officially last?
What are the official holidays in Indonesia?
What is the traditional female dress worn on Eid al-Fitr in Indonesia?
What is the traditional male outfit worn on Eid al-Fitr in Indonesia?
What do people do on the Lebaran day?
What does the government of Indonesia provide to handle the surge of travelers during Lebaran?
What is the Lebaran bonus in Indonesia?
What do Indonesians usually buy and wear for Lebaran?
What is the traditional clothing worn during Lebaran in Indonesia?
What are some popular lebaran cookies in Indonesia?
Do non-Muslims in Indonesia also wear Islamic clothes during Lebaran?
What is the Malay variant of the traditional male outfit worn on Eid al-Fitr?
Why do Indonesian banks and Bank Indonesia open money changer counters before Lebaran?
What is distributed in mosques on the Lebaran day?
What does the word 'lebaran' mean in Javanese?