What is the significance of How to Be an Antiracist?
What is the book 'How to Be an Antiracist' about?
What is the content of the file 'How to Be an Antiracist.jpg'?
Who is the author of 'How to Be an Antiracist'?
What does Kendi mean by a 'biological antiracist'?
What is the page length of 'How to Be an Antiracist' on Wikipedia?
What is the relevance of How to Be an Antiracist to the New York Times Best Seller List?
What is the genre of How to Be an Antiracist?
What is the page protection status of 'How to Be an Antiracist' on Wikipedia?
What is the title of a book about being antiracist?
What led to a surge in sales of How to Be an Antiracist?
What is the book 'Woke Racism' and how is it related to Ibram X Kendi's book?
What category did How to Be an Antiracist top in The New York Times Best Seller List?
What is the book title that Ibram X. Kendi discusses in his article?
What is anti-racism?