What was Heath Ledger's role in The Dark Knight?
What role did Heath Ledger play in 'The Dark Knight'?
What was the reception of Ledger's performance as the Joker in The Dark Knight?
How did Ledger describe his portrayal of the Joker in The Dark Knight?
What role did Ledger play in The Dark Knight?
What supporting roles did Heath Ledger play in the early 2000s?
What was the name of the film adaptation that Heath Ledger was working on?
What award did Ledger win for his role in The Dark Knight?
What awards did Ledger receive for his role as the Joker?
Who praised Ledger's performance in The Dark Knight?
For which role did Heath Ledger receive nominations for various awards?
How many films did Heath Ledger appear in?
What was Heath Ledger's profession?
How many films did Heath Ledger work on?
What are some of the genres of films Heath Ledger worked on?