When did CKE Restaurants Holdings, Inc. acquire Hardee's?
What was the price paid by CKE Restaurants Holdings, Inc. to acquire Hardee's?
How many restaurants did the merger between CKE Restaurants Holdings, Inc. and Hardee's create?
What was the ranking of Hardee's and Carl's Jr. in terms of sales in 2015?
When was Hardee's purchased by Imasco Limited?
In which countries are Hardee's franchises located?
Who owns and operates most of the international Hardee's franchises?
What other fast food chains did Hardee's want to compete with?
Who did Hardee's purchase in the late 1970s?
What was the purpose of the commercial featuring 'Carl Hardee Sr.'?
Where did Hardee's headquarters move to in 2001?
Who opened the first Hardee's restaurant?
Where was the first Hardee's restaurant located?
When did Hardee's purchase Sandy's?
When did Hardee's Food Systems go public?