How long will the data be stored?
Who developed the load forecast solution?
What is emphasized at Hacon in terms of teamwork?
Welche Kosten fallen bei der Nutzung des ÖV an?
What features are included in the demo app being developed by Hacon and its project partners?
What are the language requirements for working at Hacon?
Was sind die Probleme mit dem eigenen PKW in eng besiedelten urbanen Räumen?
What tasks are involved in the role?
What is the main task in public transport now?
Where can I find more information about Hacon?
What is the purpose of HAFAS.realtimehub?
What is the purpose of the joint exchange at trade fairs and events?
Who gives first-hand insights in the documentation?
What is discussed in the webinar 'Data for MaaS & Data from MaaS'?
Is personal data transferred to third parties?