What is the definition of retaliating in the context of the Nondiscrimination & Anti-Harassment Policy?
What is the threshold for a billing discrepancy to be considered material?
Is GCE subject to Title IX?
What functions does GCE support?
What does Title IX protect individuals from?
What does the Company prohibit in relation to harassment or discrimination claims?
What conduct is prohibited by the policy?
Who does the supplier agree to indemnify and hold harmless?
Can the Company change or modify the policy?
Are consensual relationships between GCE employees and partner institution students or prospective students allowed?
What is the minimum required limit for Umbrella or Excess Liability coverage?
Does consensual sexual or romantic behavior constitute sexual harassment?
Can employees file discrimination, harassment, and retaliation complaints with outside agencies?
What forms can harassing conduct take?
Will filing a complaint with an external agency affect the Company's investigation?