Who were some notable lawyers hired by Goodwin Procter LLP?
How many lawyers did Goodwin Procter LLP have in the 1990s?
When did Goodwin Procter LLP reach the century mark in terms of the number of lawyers and professional staff?
When was Goodwin & Procter law firm established?
How many lawyers does Goodwin Procter have?
In which countries does Goodwin Procter LLP have offices?
What is the history of Goodwin Procter LLP?
What types of cases did Goodwin Procter LLP handle?
What types of clients does Goodwin Procter represent?
Where did Goodwin Procter LLP move to in 1969?
Which firms joined Goodwin Procter LLP in 1998?
What services does Goodwin Procter provide to its clients?
In which cities does Goodwin Procter have offices?
What sectors does Goodwin Procter advise on?
Where did Goodwin Procter LLP establish a Silicon Valley presence?